As social media giants like Twitter and Facebook seek to improve their advertising platforms and targeting (and networks like Pinterest and Vine step up to offer advertising options), social advertising is an area that you should become a lot more familiar with.

Twitter is a global product, but at times you may want to focus on users in specific locations to achieve your business objectives. Whether they are located down the street, across the country or around the world, Twitter geo-targeting enables Advertisers to reach the audience that best fits the scope of your business and its aspirations. Advertisers are now able target multiple locations in a single campaign in order to reach all of your relevant audiences.

This is potentially even more important in 2015 when the role of the smartphone will come to the fore as a way of connecting with voters. Mobile is in Twitter’s DNA: of Twitter’s 15M UK users, 80% access the platform via their mobile device.

Advertisers can now use Twitter’s geo-targeting product to focus on individual postcodes and target at a much more local level for the first time. The key benefit of geo-targeting is that it enables advertisers the ability to reach users in specific regions, cities and now postcodes. It brings real precision to online advertising and the ability to connect with and win people over at a local level. Are you ready to target your audience on Twitter?

Unless you really know what you are doing and you have a large amount of time to work with social media, it is a good idea to hire someone with some experience. Knowing how to manage social media on a company level is different than knowing how it works on a personal level, and many business owners learn this the hard way. If you do not keep up with social media and do not have a presence on all of the major networks, this can actually hurt your company, consulting with an expert really worth it in the end.

Why not chat to us and see how Graphitas can enhance your digital marketing strategy through social media management and advertising.

Justin Taylor

Justin's path into design and marketing has been anything but conventional. A random selection of career decisions saw him designing rave flyers, t-shirts and (although refusing to divulge his stage name) he allegedly did a summer stint in Gt Yarmouth as a magician before finally settling on a career in marketing.