The staff of Graphitas would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous new year.
2012 has probably been the most defining and successful in our fifteen year history. We have seen a lot of new customers come, unfortunately one or two customers go, but equally 2012 has seen some incredible achievements from the team at Graphitas.
We have printed in excess of 10 million units of print, created adverts for every type of media, built websites that generate thousands in revenue every week and have hit first page on Google for every website we optimise for search.

Probably the most defining moment of 2012 was being asked by SEOmoz to present a “PRO Webinar” on Designing for SEO, we were truly humbled by an incredible number of attendees and a ratings score of over 4 out of 5 for the presentation and content created by the Graphitas team. For those unaware SEOmoz are widely accepted as the oracle of all things search engine related and boast the largest and most vibrant SEO community on the planet.
However, we at Graphitas are not a company to sit on our laurels and pat ourselves on the back, so we have put together a list of our New Years Resolutions to ensure that we aspire to be an even better company next year, sooo…. here are the Graphitas New Years Resolutions for 2013:
1. Keep innovating – we want to bring the best of our design, web and seo skills to our current and new customers
2. Even better communication – we work really hard to ensure that we keep everyone we deal with super informed. Sometimes, however, we realise that our internal and external communication could be even better, so we are going to continue to work really hard to ensure we keep customers, new customers and suppliers are up to speed at all times.
3. To blog more often – sometimes we get sidetracked and our blog suffers. This year we are going to make sure our blog is an even more vibrant and informative place
4. Get social with you – much the same as our blog, we sometimes take our eye off the ball when it comes to social. This year, you can expect to see even more of us on the social wires!
5. Be happy – we love what we do. Therefore we will strive to make every piece of our work something that both we and our customers are proud of.
Should we fall short of these five resolutions, we want you to let us know
Enjoy the celebrations and have a Graphi-New Year!!!
The Graphitas Team