Yesterday was a dark day. A fake Facebook copyright message claiming to protect users’ media has once again gone viral on the social network. The Facebook hoax originally serviced in 2012. The message claims to put copyright protections on a user’s posts after they share the status update. It’s obviously doesn’t, however people’s newsfeed’s were flooded with the message.


The first thing to remember here, Facebook doesn’t own your posts. Under the social network’s privacy policy, they do have the right to distribute and share the things a user posts, subject to their privacy and application settings. (Check out Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities here.) Don’t forget  you can change how anything is shared, so check your privacy settings by clicking on the lock icon in the upper-right corner of your profile.

Second thing, the hoax doesn’t even have its facts right. A quick Google search will also show that there’s is no such thing as the Berner Convention. (Whoever originated it probably meant to write the Berne convention, which is an international agreement protecting literary and artistic works). Your Facebook profile is fine. Calm down. Carry on.

Justin Taylor

Justin's path into design and marketing has been anything but conventional. A random selection of career decisions saw him designing rave flyers, t-shirts and (although refusing to divulge his stage name) he allegedly did a summer stint in Gt Yarmouth as a magician before finally settling on a career in marketing.